It’s a make or break earnings week for tech

I’m sure you’ve noticed. The technology sector, which led the stock market rally in 2023 and in the early days of 2024, is in a slump. The Technology Select Sector SPDR ETF (XLK) tumbled 6.27% last week and is down 7.16% in the last month. For 2024 to date, as of the...
Saudis surprise OPEC; oil soars by 5%

Saudis surprise OPEC; oil soars by 5%

Today, January 5, Saudi Arabia shocked OPEC+ with a voluntary 1-million-barrel-per-day output cut. The announcement came after OPEC and Russia agreed to allow a 75,000 barrels a day increase in total production from Russia and Kazakhstan in February and March. On the...
Exxon Mobil (XOM)

Exxon Mobil (XOM)

Normally I look for dividend yields above 4% or 5% for my dividend income portfolio. On this measure, Exxon Mobil (XOM) with its 3.35% yield isn’t exactly an astounding opportunity. But something out of a recent report from Goldman Sachs caught my eye: Exxon Mobile...

5 picks for energy, the once and future sector

On January 28, I argued that the U.S. economy is still in the early recovery stage of the business cycle, and that you should overweight your portfolio toward the stocks that do best at this point in the cycle: “Sectors that do best are usually industrials, near the...

Sell ExxonMobil (XOM)

When I added ExxonMobil (XOM) to Jubak’s Picks on December 23, 2008, I thought it was a reasonable way to balance risk and reward. The stock was a good way to reach for some upside return in case the global economy—and oil prices—rebounded more quickly than I expected...

Update ExxonMobil (XOM)

I think this quarter marks an important transition for oil stocks. What everybody knows—the consensus wisdom that is baked into stock prices–has moved on. Everybody now accepts that oil prices will be low enough so that oil company earnings will look terrible in...