Update Vale (VALE)

And the biggest winner from Argentina’s huge natural gas from shale discovery in Patagonia? YPF Sociedad Anonima (YPF) is certainly a winner. The find of 4.5 trillion cubic feet of gas is roughly double the Argentine company’s previous proved natural gas reserves of...

Update Vale (VALE)

Looking for a big shareholder friendly Brazilian commodities play? I’d look right past Petrobras (PBR) where the Brazilian government took a bigger stake in the company (48%) after the company’s $67 billion share offering last week to Vale (VALE), the country’s big...

Update Vale (VALE)

(I’m ratcheting up my vacation a notch next week for my annual summer recharge of my batteries and taking Jubak Picks completely dark for a week or so until August 24. I will resume my regular posting schedule when I return.) What was most interesting about...

Update Vale (VALE)

I think we’ve just seen the end of the fixed long-term contract pricing system for iron ore. That pricing system may not know it’s dead yet. But right now it’s dead system walking. Brazil’s Vale (VALE) has told domestic customers that it will raise iron ore prices by...

Update Bunge (BG)

Brazilian iron ore giant Vale (VALE) said on January 15 that it’s in talks with Bunge (BG) to buy that company’s fertilizer assets in Brazil. The deal, for as much as $3.8 billion, would relieve Bunge of a unit that showed a loss of $127 million in the third quarter,...

Update Vale (VALE)

The short-term numbers that Vale (VALE), the world’s low cost exporter of iron ore, reported on July 30 for the second quarter of 2009 were ugly but expected. Operating revenue dropped by $300 million to $5.1 billion from the first quarter. Profit margins fell to 20%...

Two winning stocks in the war over iron ore

The body count is five and rising. First, the Beijing government arrested four Rio Tinto (RTP) staffers  in China to negotiate the price of iron ore with Baosteel and other Chinese steel makers. Then, the Chinese detained an executive at steelmaker Shougang Group and...
VALE continues to make progress to becoming a “true corporation”

Buy Vale (VALE)

Formerly known as Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, this Brazilian company is the second largest producer of iron ore in the world. The company’s iron ore mines are the lowest-cost producers in the world.