Time to clear away the brush in my long-term 50 Stocks portfolio–selling four stocks out of this portfolio ahead of January rebalancing

Time to clear away the brush in my long-term 50 Stocks portfolio–selling four stocks out of this portfolio ahead of January rebalancing

In the first week of January I’m going to rebalance, per the strategy I pursue with this portfolio, my long-term 50 Stocks Portfolio. That means I’ll be taking profits in the big winners of 2017 and adding to positions in the laggards for the year ahead....

Buy Qualcomm QCOM

Buy Qualcomm (QCOM).  In the current stock market and economy you want to own stocks in the sectors of the market that are outperforming rather than lagging and you want to own companies that can grow even when the economy isn’t. I think cell phone chip-maker Qualcomm...