Saudis surprise OPEC; oil soars by 5%

Saudis surprise OPEC; oil soars by 5%

Today, January 5, Saudi Arabia shocked OPEC+ with a voluntary 1-million-barrel-per-day output cut. The announcement came after OPEC and Russia agreed to allow a 75,000 barrels a day increase in total production from Russia and Kazakhstan in February and March. On the...
OPEC+ carries through on yesterday’s leaks and cuts oil production; oil and oil stocks continue rally

Oil inventories prove stubbornly high

Inventories of gasoline and distillates fell last week, as they should even in a coronavirus-impacted summer driving season, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported today. But crude inventories remained stubbornly high, an indication that the rise in...
Saudis surprise OPEC; oil soars by 5%

Oil keeps on rallying–and takes market with it

Remember how back on April 20 West Texas Intermediate traded at a negative $40.32 a barrel on the futures market? Then the fears were that anyone who owned a forward future and who was forced to accept delivery of that oil would not be able to find a place to store...
Oil deal gets a shrug from the oil markets

Oil deal gets a shrug from the oil markets

This take from Goldman Sachs pretty much sums up the oil market’s reaction to Sunday’s agreement among OPEC+, the United States, Canada, Brazil, and various and sundry G20 oil producers to cut what could be generously calculated as 14.7 million barrels a...
Are oil prices headed lower? OPEC thinks so; Wall Street disagrees

Oil climbs ahead of December 5 OPEC meeting

Call it very, very cautious optimism. Maybe. Oil prices climbed ahead of the December 5 meeting of OPEC in Vienna. The oil market got a boost from a report today, December 4, from the U.S. Energy Information Administration that showed U.S. crude inventories fell by...
So much big picture uncertainty

So much big picture uncertainty

For this short holiday trading week, I’m expecting volatility in asset classes that range from oil to stocks to the U.S. dollar, as traders and investors try to figure out how to “price in” a metric ton of macro uncertainty scheduled for the next...