U.S. oil shale rig count continues to drop

U.S. oil shale rig count continues to drop

The number of active oil rigs in the United States fell by 4 to 172, Baker Hughes reported today. That’s the lowest level since 2005 in the days before the U.S. oil shale boom. The news is likely to get worse for U.S. producers and oil service companies. The...
Rumors swirl around Pioneer Natural Resources again–this time that ExxonMobil is talking about an acquisition

Oil keeps on rallying–and takes market with it

Remember how back on April 20 West Texas Intermediate traded at a negative $40.32 a barrel on the futures market? Then the fears were that anyone who owned a forward future and who was forced to accept delivery of that oil would not be able to find a place to store...
OPEC+ carries through on yesterday’s leaks and cuts oil production; oil and oil stocks continue rally

Oil rallies on U.S. inventory drawdown, record U.S. exports, slip in U.S. production–and, oh yes, those pesky tensions with Iran

U.S. benchmark West Texas Intermediate crude is now up 10% for the week following on a 2.44% jump in price to $59.24 a barrel today. International benchmark Brent crude gained 1.94% to $66.31 a barrel. Continued tensions between the United States and Iran, of course,...