March 10, 2010 @ 8:30 am | Breaking News, Leading Indicators |
It quite likely puts off any move to allow its currency to appreciate against the U.S. dollar, but news that China’s imports were up 45% in February 2010 from February 2009 is great news for the still struggling economies of the developed world.  Growth in China’s...
March 8, 2010 @ 3:50 pm | Update |
What you want in a gold stock is a company with rising reserves and falling costs. Goldcorp’s (GG) end of 2009 report on reserves shows that it’s still delivering rising reserves. We’ll see how the company is doing on costs when it reports after the market closes on...
December 18, 2009 @ 11:06 am | Leading Indicators, You May Have Missed |
Mr. Bond, Pimco’s Bill Gross, doesn’t like bonds so much anymore. Gross, who manages the $200 billion Total Return Fund at Pacific Investment Management (Pimco) told CNBC on December 7 that Treasuries are over-valued given the odds that inflation and interest rates...
December 16, 2009 @ 9:27 am | Leading Indicators |
Inflation? Ever heard of it? It’s back. Or at least investors can smell the faint whiff of it amidst the seasonal tang of freshly cut Christmas trees. And that’s actually a good thing. On December 15 the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the Producer Price...
November 19, 2009 @ 10:27 am | Breaking News, Leading Indicators, You May Have Missed |
Peak gold? You may have heard of peak oil, the theory that at some point—ranging from 2005 to 2025–the world will have found all the easy oil there is to find and that after that new finds won’t be able to keep up with the global rate of consumption. But peak...
November 9, 2009 @ 12:40 pm | Breaking News, Leading Indicators |
Call it the great inflation vs. deflation battle. On the one side, the U.S. TIPS market. In the last few months demand for Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities from investors worried about a resurgence of inflation has reduced supplies of the bonds at Wall Street...
October 15, 2009 @ 12:19 pm | Breaking News, Leading Indicators |
So much for restraint. Back in August it looked like the Chinese government, concerned about rising prices for stocks and real estate, had decided to slow down bank lending. Forget it. In September it was back to the races. New bank lending climbed to $76 billion in...
August 17, 2009 @ 10:30 am | Update |
A good second quarter from Kinross Gold (KGC)–considering the uncertainties of the mining business where anything from an ore body running a lower grade than expected to floods to civil war can disrupt production. Earnings of 12 cents a share for the second...
August 11, 2009 @ 11:15 pm | Breaking News, Leading Indicators |
At a little after 2 p.m. on Wednesday August 12 the Federal Reserve will be either naughty or nice. From Wall Street’s perspective, anyway. Naughty, according to Wall Street, would be a press release that confirms the Fed’s view that the economy is in a...
July 17, 2009 @ 9:55 am | Breaking News |
To make money off inflation you need to get both the direction and the timing right. Get the direction wrong—buy gold, on a bet that inflation is climbing when inflation is actually falling, for example—and you lose money. Get the timing wrong—buy gold, again on a bet...