Update Johnson Controls (JCI)

General Motors’ stock offering turned out to be so popular that it was massively oversubscribed and the company increased the share price for its initial public offering to $33 a share. Doing some back of the envelope calculations and making assumptions that the...

Auto sales stagnate in September

Be careful what you compare things to. If you compare U.S. auto sales in September 2010 to the horrendous sales of September 2009, the industry looks like it’s roaring ahead. If you compare sales for September 2010 to those from a recovering August, the industry is...

Can China's auto market save GM? Do pigs fly?

So what do you do if you’re a car maker with a home market that’s not buying as many cars as it used to? If you’re General Motors (GM), you invest as fast as you can in making and selling cars in China. Great plan. So great that Toyota (TM), and Nissan, and Volkswagen...