Tesla shocks Wall Street with size of quarterly sales drop

Buy/Sell/Hold: Sell Tesla

Right now Tesla (TSLA) is a case study in how sentiment on a stock changes, how long it takes sentiment to change (and recover), and the stages of sentiment change. Your understanding of this process should be your guide to whether you want to own Tesla stock and...
Biden adds goals and rules to speed up transition to electric vehicles

Thinking of buying VW on its push into electric cars? But which class of VW shares? Here’s the one I’m buying tomorrow for my 50 Stocks Portfolio

You could buy VWAGY, trading today, April 5, at $37.00, up 4.27% or you could buy VWAPY at $29.27, up 2.92%. (A search for VW ticker will discover another 21 symbols on various European exchanges but for U.S investors these two ADRs are the major choices. Both are...
Autoliv beats on prospects for global auto recovery–but I think you’ve got better stocks to play this trend

Autoliv beats on prospects for global auto recovery–but I think you’ve got better stocks to play this trend

Autoliv (ALV) reported third quarter earnings per share of either $1.48 (non-GAAP) or $1.12 (GAAP). (GAAP is generally accepted accounting principles.)  That consensus was $1.09 a share on Wall Street. Revenue of $2.04 billion was in line with expectations and up 0.5%...