Today I posted my three-hundred-and-seventh YouTube Video: Is Bank Lending Finally Starting to Get Tighter?
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Today’s video Is Bank Lending Finally Starting To Get Tighter? The Federal Reserve regularly does an opinion survey of bank lending officers to ask if they’re seeing a tightening of credit standards on loans at their banks. In the most recent survey, 50.8% of banks reported tightening lending terms for medium and large business loans in the second quarter-up from 46% in the first quarter. They’re also reporting a rise in demand for loans. In the second quarter, 51.6% reported weaker demand, down from 55% in the previous quarter. We’re seeing the Fed’s policies slowly start to work. Eventually, this tightening will also hit the consumer level, making it more difficult to get a personal loan or a new credit card. This trend is something to watch as banks tighten their lending while demand remains steady.
Here’s the link: