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Login Help

How to Retrieve your Password


  1. Click the above Login Button to open the page in a new window.
  2. Click the Lost Your Password link.
  3. Enter the Email Address that you used when you registered, or enter the Username that you used and click the Get New Password Button.
  4. If the system does NOT recognize your Email Address or Username, use the Sign Up Button on this page:
  5. If the system recognizes your Email Address or Username, the message will state: Check your email for the confirmation link.
  6. The email is sent immediately. If it is not in your email mailbox, check your spam folder – many times this is where the email will be found.
  7. The email is titled: [JubakPicks] Password Reset, the email content is:
    Someone has requested a password reset for the following account:
    Username: (your username)
    If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.
    To reset your password, visit the following address:
    < username)>
  8. Click the Reset Link in the email and you will be taken to a screen where you enter a new password. There will be a suggested password already showing.
  9. Enter a strong password of your choice then click the Reset Password Button.
  10. You will see the message: Your password has been reset. Log in.
  11. Click the Login link and enter your Username and New Password, check or answer the “I’m not a robot” checkbox, and click the Log In Button.

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