The New York financial markets are closed today, February 21, for Presidents Day. (Don’t get me started on the lameness of replacing Lincoln and Washington’s birthday holidays with something called “Presidents Day.”)
Jubak Asset Management will be closed today–no posts short of global upheaval.
I’ll resume with my normal schedule tomorrow.
In the meantime, go out and split a log for Abe or go down to river for George and see how far you can toss a dollar today.
While they were messing with the holidays, the least they could have done is move them into a decent month. August would have been good — we don’t have a holiday in August, while much of Europe takes the whole month off. Yep, a Thursday and Friday (movable) right in the middle of August would have been ideal. What was the matter with those guys, getting born in February. That was mighty poor planning on their part.