Time to clear away the brush in my long-term 50 Stocks portfolio–selling four stocks out of this portfolio ahead of January rebalancing

Time to clear away the brush in my long-term 50 Stocks portfolio–selling four stocks out of this portfolio ahead of January rebalancing

In the first week of January I’m going to rebalance, per the strategy I pursue with this portfolio, my long-term 50 Stocks Portfolio. That means I’ll be taking profits in the big winners of 2017 and adding to positions in the laggards for the year ahead....
Chesapeake Energy lowers production forecast

Update Chesapeake Energy

Update September 6. Today shares of Chesapeake Energy (CHK) climbed 3.03% to close at $6.80 in the first post-Labor-Day trading session. The shares finished 24.8% ahead in August. Part of this was thanks to the market. A weaker than expected report on the...

Look out for natural gas Monday

Last week it was oil companies reporting their earnings numbers. Monday investors get a big dose of numbers from natural companies. The earnings aren’t likely to be pretty although since many producers wrote down billions in assets last quarter–Chesapeake...

The natural gas glut: winners and losers

Got gas? The world has a lot more natural than anybody thought—if you count the unconventional supplies that once were out of reach to drillers. The world has 3,250 trillion cubic feet of unconventional natural gas resources, energy research company PFC Energy said on...