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Return of Son of Bounce

You can tell a lot about now oversold a market is by how much it takes to create a bounce. The explanations for today’s rally that I’m seeing cite the big surge in Chinese exports (For more on that news, see my post...

Is this the Son of Bounce?

Here’s one read of the stock market action of the last two days. Essentially what we’re seeing today and what we saw on Tuesday, June 8, is a resumption of the bounce that was demolished by the horribly disappointing U.S. jobs report on Friday, June 4. Before those...

U.S. markets up, almost everybody else down

U.S. stocks are up. Almost every other stock market is down. Strange day. True, U.S. economic data was sort of good this morning. April pending home sales increased by 6%, way above the consensus of 4.3% growth. Revised March numbers showed a 7.1% increase instead of...