On my subscription site I made  Verizon Pick #6 in my Special Report: “3 Strategies and 10 Picks for Juicy Returns in a Yield Drought”

On my subscription site I made Verizon Pick #6 in my Special Report: “3 Strategies and 10 Picks for Juicy Returns in a Yield Drought”

Yesterday on my subscription site, JubakAM.Com, I made Verizon the sixth pick in my Special Report “3 Strategies and 1O Picks for a Yield Drought.” Here’s what I wrote. (Verizon is a member of my Dividend Portfolio.) Yield Drought Pick #6: Verizon (VZ). Let’s be...
Buy/Sell/Hold: Sell Tesla

Buy/Sell/Hold: Sell Tesla

Right now Tesla (TSLA) is a case study in how sentiment on a stock changes, how long it takes sentiment to change (and recover), and the stages of sentiment change. Your understanding of this process should be your guide to whether you want to own Tesla stock and...
Your 10 Best Stocks for a Core Portfolio–and the “Why” for each pick

Your 10 Best Stocks for a Core Portfolio–and the “Why” for each pick

I think a well-constructed portfolio should resemble an onion. (Yes, to continue the analogy, it may make you cry in the short term, but the end result after cooking time is yummy.) At the center of that onion is a core built of stocks with extremely high,...
Fed talks; stocks retreat

Fed talks; stocks retreat

Is the Federal Reserve now in the business of talking down stock prices whenever investors get too optimistic about interest rates? It sure looked like it today. Today, Wednesday, November 15, New York Fed President John Williams ended the day’s rally when he...