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Credit crunch hits credit cards hard

Credit crunch hits credit cards hard

Credit card issuers have already cut the credit limits or closed credit card accounts entirely for about 1 in 4 credit card holders–almost 50 million Americans–in the past 30 days, according to a survey byLending Tree’s Compare Cards website. The...
It’s May–time for a mortgage and rental crisis

It’s May–time for a mortgage and rental crisis

By the end of April 3.8 million homeowners had sought mortgage relief and were not making their payments. That’s a 2,400% increase from early March, Black Knight, a mortgage technology and data provider, told the Washington Post. The problem may be even worse...
Inflation continues to fall; deflation a possibility

The re-opening rally is back on

Today is all about optimism–forget plunging oil prices, uncertain earnings, or a first quarter drop in GDP– for an upturn in the economy as more states–Colorado is newest to climb on board–re-open parts of their economies. Today, at least, no...