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I’m taking this site dark so that I can spend the long Thanksgiving weekend with my family and good friends doing all the things that Americans do on this holiday—eating turkey, watching football, trying to snatch a bargain on Black Friday, and, oh yes, giving thanks.

In the turmoil of the year, especially the investing year, I’d easy to forget how much one has, and how much more important things like good health, family, and enough food on the table are than earnings per share or interest rate policy. It continues to be a tough time for many in this country and around the world. This weekend is a good time to be thankful for what we have and think of ways to help those who have less.

We have the good fortune to spend Thanksgiving each year with good friends in what has come to be our extended family.

I hope you all get a chance to gather with those you love. Safe travels to all.

And I’ll see you all again on Monday.